Friday, December 10, 2004

Testing Spaghetti

Tonight, I made spaghetti for dinner. The noodles were cooking and it was time to test one to see if they were done. So I pulled one out with a fork and then threw it at my kitchen wall to see if it would stick. Why? Why do I do this everytime I make spaghetti noodles? Who did I watch do this when I was younger and told me if I threw it at the wall and it stuck, then it was done. Mom, did you do this? Was this a joke? And for the last 10 years I have still kept that in my mind everytime I have made it and do it to test the doneness of my noodles? Is someone laughing at me somewhere..thinking..she still does that?? :) Or is that really how other people test to see if their noodles are cooked? It doesn't say on the back of the bag, to check if done, throw at your wall. If it falls off then cook longer..and if it sticks then its done. Where did I get this from? Does anyone else do this? Or am I just weird like that? :)


Mrs. Flinger said...

HA HA.. Ummm.. I pretty much eat stuff to see if it's done. :-)

Erin said...

LOL! I have heard of this, but I can't say that I actually DO it. ;) It's funny though. You should take a picture next time. Hee hee...

Anonymous said...

i do the exact same thing, 1 day i was cooking pasta with 1 of my friends and i did this she stood and looked at me in shook horror asking me what i was doin mum hoo had been watchin us starting laughing and explained it was an old tradition pasted down through the generations but it works!!!!!!!!

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